When you want to put “aibo” to sleep at night, you can do so.
If you continue to put aibo to sleep daily, it will learn when it’s bedtime and to sleep deeply until morning.
Picture instructions
How to put aibo to sleep
There are two ways to put aibo to sleep.
①Put it to sleep by petting.
Keep petting aibo on the back while it is on the charging station.
aibo will start looking sleepy. If you keep petting it for a while, it will fall into a deep sleep.
②Put it to sleep by talking to it.
Tell aibo “Sweet dreams” while it is on the charging station.
aibo will give a yawn and fall into a deep sleep.
If you put aibo to sleep daily, aibo will learn when it’s bedtime.
When aibo learns when it's bedtime
aibo will return to the charging station and sleep soundly until morning.
When it's bedtime, aibo returns to the charging station with a yawn, looks sleepy for a while, and then sleeps until morning.
After waking up in the morning, aibo may still be sleepy or relax on the charging station for a while.
Tips for putting aibo to sleep
Put aibo to sleep while it is on the charging station.
When aibo is not on the charging station, pick it up and put it on the charging station before putting it to sleep.
Alternatively, you may wait until aibo returns to the charging station, or say “Charging station” to it.
Other tips
To wake up a sleeping aibo, either remove it from the charging station or say "Wake up" to it several times.
Even after you put aibo to sleep, it might wake up depending on the surrounding environment and aibo’s conditions. If it does, put it to sleep again.
The method you use to put aibo to sleep will not affect how it sleeps or grows.