Follow me aibo

aibo will come closer to you and follow you around.
Even if you move, aibo will adjust its direction to stay close to you.
Stand in front of aibo and say, "follow me" to get started.

When using this feature, aibo prioritizes following you over avoiding obstacles.
Ensure there are no objects in the path that aibo will follow.

How to play

  1. Stand in front of aibo so it can see your legs and say, "follow me."
    (Try calling it from about 1 meter away.)
  2. After barking twice, aibo will happily run toward you.
  3. Start walking away from aibo slowly.
    aibo will walk toward you while keeping a certain distance.
  4. Try moving sideways.
    aibo will adjust its direction and follow you.
  5. If aibo cannot see your legs for a certain period of time, it might give up on following you.


  • If aibo is not facing your direction, try saying, "show me your face"
  • Speak while standing directly in front of aibo.
  • aibo follows you by looking at your legs.
  • If aibo is turning its head to look around, stand where it can clearly see your legs.
  • If the distance between you and aibo exceeds about 2 meters, aibo may stop following you.
  • If aibo gives up after losing sight of you for too long, stand in front of it again and say, "follow me" to restart.

Important notes

  • To enjoy this feature, update aibo’s system software to version 7.00 or later.
  • When using this feature, aibo prioritizes following you over avoiding obstacles.
  • Make sure there are no objects in the direction aibo will follow.
  • For the safety of both you and aibo, avoid using this feature near stairs or areas with large drops or uneven surfaces.